The Honorable H. Andrew Swett
County Judge
Division Lee County
Criminal - Lee County Misdemeanors, Ordinances & Criminal Traffic | 16.7% |
Small Claims | 11.1% |
Civil Traffic Infractions | 11.1% |
Judicial Assistant Stacy
Phone (239) 533-9157
Fax (239) 485-2709
Email lc-cty-jdg5@ca.cjis20.org
Mailing Address
Lee County Justice Center
1700 Monroe Street
Fort Myers, FL 33901
- Proposed Orders:shall be submitted electronically via the Florida court E-Filing portal https://www.myflcourtaccess.com/ by selecting “proposed documents” (it is the fourth option down on the page with the map of Florida on it). If you have an email address, it is a very helpful way to electronically file documents quickly and easily for free and from your computer. Cover letters are not needed or required.
Scheduling: The Criminal County Court Judges in Lee County do not utilize JACS or any other online scheduling system. You may obtain hearing time by doing one of the following:
- Calling Judge Swett’s office to obtain hearing dates and times
- Email Judge Swett’s assistant, Stacy @ lc-cty-jdg5@ca.cjis20.org.
- Copies/Case Law: Our office has gone paperless. Judge Swett does NOT want any binders or other paper copies of documents mailed to our office for a hearing. Please do not provide courtesy copies of any items that have already been filed with the clerk’s office. You may efile all documents, with a notice of filing that you wish to use at least 5 days before a hearing. Then contact us by phone or email to advise that exhibits or case law has been efiled and the party wishes to use it at the hearing/trial. The Judge will review everything that has been electronically filed prior to the court date.
- COURT DATE CHANGES/MISSED COURT DATES: Setting a new hearing date/changing a hearing date will not be handled over the phone. You MUST file a written request by emailing us or by filing a letter directly with the Clerk of the Court (on the 1st or 2nd floor of the Lee Co. Justice Center) then contact our office to set a hearing or for the Judge to approve any changes.
- SMALL CLAIMS PRE TRIAL CONFERENCES & CIVIL PRE TRIAL TRAFFIC HEARINGS: These cases have their own meeting ID number- please be sure to look at the hearing information for your scheduled hearing. You can find it on our personal schedule on the 20th Judicial Website or in the case at www.leeclerk.org.
PERSONAL ZOOM LINK FOR WEB CAM USE: https://zoom.us/j/4105478349
JUDGE HOWARD ANDREW SWETT was born in Jacksonville, Florida. Judge Swett graduated from Jacksonville University in 1986. He attended the University Of Florida College Of Law and graduated in 1989. He began his career as an Assistant State Attorney right out of law school here in Fort Myers. In 1995 he went into private practice with the firm Knott Ebelini Hart where he practiced criminal defense and civil litigation. The Judge left the firm in September 2011 after being appointed by Governor Scott to the County Court bench. Judge Swett has taken over the Mental Health Court docket and one of the Drug Court dockets. He was also instrumental in beginning the new Veterans Court docket.
Judge Swett has been active in the community since his arrival in Lee County in 1990. He served as the President of the Greater Fort Myers Soccer Club for over a decade. He served on the Board of Christian Education at Saint Michael Lutheran School. Judge Swett also served on the board of the McGregor Clinic. He was a member of the Kiwanis Club for several years as well.
Judge Swett is currently on the board of NAMI of Lee County (National Alliance on Mental Illness) as well as a member of the Rotary Club of Fort Myers.
Judge Swett has coached both soccer and baseball. He coached both his children while they played at the Greater Fort Myers Soccer Club, and coached his son while he played for Fort Myers American Little League. Recently, he was a coach for the girls’ soccer team at Bishop Verot High School.
Court Procedures: | Downloads |
Judge Swett Office Procedures | View |
Courtroom Decorum Policy | View |
Information to Note | View |
Submitting Proposed Orders | View |
Schedule a Hearing with JA | View |
Virtual Courtroom Decorum | View |
Zoom Guidelines | View |
AO 2.40 - Introduction and Management of Evidence in Remote Civil Hearings | View |
Documents: | Downloads |
Fact Information Sheet - Form 1.977 | View |
Fingerprint Card | View |
Order to Expunge | View |
Plea in Absentia | View |
Plea in Absentia & Fingerprinting | View |
Plea Form English with Penalities | View |
Plea Form Creole | View |
Plea Form Spanish | View |