20th Judicial Circuit Felony Case Management

Criminal differentiated case management procedures were developed to promote uniformity in practice throughout the 20th Judicial Circuit. Procedures were established to improve predictability, efficiency and timely disposition of felony criminal cases in the circuit court and to ensure compliance with provisions and aims of the Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure. The purpose was to recognize that a defendant’s right to speedy trial, and the public, including victims’ and witnesses’ interest in a timely, fair and just resolution of criminal cases, is best achieved by application of uniform and consistent time standards for the conduct of criminal cases in Circuit Court. The concept was to encourage collaboration between the Court, the State Attorney, the Public Defender and the defense bar with a view towards a just and efficient disposition of criminal cases. Differentiated Case Management techniques allow courts to tailor the case flow process to the requirements of individual cases. The main concepts of Differentiated Case Management are: (1) Setting case tracks, based on criteria that determines the necessary case events and time goals (2) Enhanced organization of court events by using a Pretrial Scheduling Order (3) Close case monitoring to ensure that the case progresses in the most efficient manner.

The chart below helps depict the process of a criminal cases and what to expect at the various hearings.

Felony Case Management case flow process
Case Flow Process Text

The chart below depicts the time goals associated with each designated track, in accordance with Administrative Order 3.25.

Felony Case Management Track and Time Goals
Track and Time Goals text

More information on the Felony Case Management Program can be found by choosing your county below:

Lee County Felony Case Management

There are four circuit judges assigned to the felony division, resulting in a five week rotation schedule, as follows:

Week 1- Case Management Week- Arraignments, Case Management and Pretrial Conferences
Week 2- Motions Week
Weeks 3, 4 and 5: Trial Call/Trial Week 1, 2 and Complex Trial Week

Division Information:

Division D - Honorable Robert Branning
Case Manager- Pretrial Officer Ty Ingram, tingram@ca.cjis20.org

Division E - Honorable Bruce Kyle
Case Manager- Pretrial Officer Andrea Garcia, agarcia@ca.cjis20.org

Division F - Honorable Nicholas Thompson
Case Manager- Pretrial Officer Cayden Shelton, cshelton@ca.cjis20.org

Division S - Honorable Andrew Marcus
Case Manager- Officer Ana Eversull, aeversull@ca.cjis20.org



Lee County Justice Center
Office 3234, 3rd Floor
1700 Monroe Street
Fort Myers, FL 33901
Tel: (239) 533-9199

Administrative Services Supervisor
Scott Peckham
Tel: (239) 533-8235

Deputy Criminal Division Director
Jennifer Alvarez
Tel: (239) 533-8426


Monday to Friday: 8 am to 5 pm
Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED
Note: Office closed on all court holidays.
2025 Court Holidays

Charlotte County Felony Case Management

There are 2 Circuit judges assigned to the felony division. Each judge utilizes a five week rotating calendar.

Week 1 – Case management week, motions/pleas & specialty court
Week 2 – Motions, Pleas, Trial Call (A Track) & Specialty Court
Weeks 3, 4 & 5 – Trial weeks

Arraignment & Early Resolution Court – Both judges share responsibility for the entire docket on a bi weekly rotating basis. Upon leaving Arraignment or Early Resolution Court defendants will be assigned to their respective judges for case management by the first letter of their last name.

Division Information:

Track A – Honorable Lisa S. Porter (Defendants: A – L)
Case Manager: Team Lead Chris Simpson, csimpson@ca.cjis20.org

Track B – Honorable Shannon McFee (Defendants: M – Z)
Case Manager: Pretrial Officer Ben Westrum, bwestrum@ca.cjis20.org




Charlotte County Justice Center
350 East Marion Avenue
Punta Gorda, FL 33952
Tel: (941) 637-4816


Monday to Friday: 8 am to 4:30 pm
Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED
Note: Office closed on all court holidays.
2025 Court Holidays

Collier County Felony Case Management

Felony Cases work on a 5 week cycle as indicated below:

Week One: Arr/Hearings/Motion, Complex Calendar Call/PTCS/ERC/VOSP Soundings and hearings/ CMC/Complex CMC
Week two: Complex Trials
Week Three: Motions/Hearings/Calendar Call/ERC/VOP soundings and Hearings/Special Sets
Week Four and Five : Trial

Division Information:

Felony Division

Honorable John McGowan
Lead Case Manager, Tracey Turi
(239) 252-2754

Honorable Joseph Foster
Case Manager, Nancy Mandujano
(239) 252-8170




Collier Government Complex
Collier County Probation
3315 Tamiami Trail East
Naples, FL 34112
Tel: (239) 252-2754


Monday to Friday: 8 am to 5 pm
Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED
Note: Office closed on all court holidays.
2025 Court Holidays

Hendry County Felony Case Management

There is one felony judge in Hendry County. The Circuit Judge has a 6 week court schedule which includes civil and criminal.

Division Information:

Honorable Darrell R. Hill
Case Manager: Erin Hutchinson, Ehutchison@ca.cjis20.org




Hendry County Courthouse
25 E. Hickpochee Ave.
LaBelle, Florida 33935
Tel: (863) 612-4913


Monday to Friday: 8 am to 5 pm
Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED
Note: Office closed on all court holidays.
2025 Court Holidays